Wir sind Skandinaviens größte Messeveranstalter
Treffen Sie Tausende von potenziellen Kunden
Antikmesse is an important meeting for the housing industry and those who are renovating or building a new house.
We gather everything about home, garden and holiday in one place. In three days, thousands of dedicated and affluent people stop at Antikmesse for tips, inspiration and great deals for their projects.
Our fairs are held in Rødekro, Ringkøbing and Kiel in northern Germany.
Each booth weekend meetings with local and national exhibitors, new and existing customers and offers its products, services and expertise. It means many good customer calls!
Antikmesse is a super venue for promoting and launching all kind of products and services for the housing industry. Join as an exhibitor at the housing fair and get:
- Erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit
- Erhöhte Glaubwürdigkeit
- Erhöhte Reichweite
- Umsatzsteigerung !